Seth Hirachand Mutha School

India,Maharashtra $

7 months ago 11 hits ID #137961


Mutha's Kindlepop at Seth Hirachand Mutha School nurtures emerging leaders with a loving, curious, and guided atmosphere. Our holistic approach blends education, values, and personal growth to foster young learners' development. We prioritize teacher motivation, creative thinking, critical analysis, collaboration, and knowledge application. Our Senior Secondary program prepares students for higher education and careers, offering well-equipped labs, Wi-Fi-connected computer rooms, and a resourceful library.


Country India
Regions Maharashtra
City Kalyan
Pin / Zip 421301
Whatsapp No. 9004735524
Industry Education & Training
Latitude 19.2689640738153
Longitude 73.12939018466004
Address Kolivali, Umbarde, Jail Road, near Adharwadi,
Create Year -1
Create Time "Monday - Saturady 09:30–16:30 Sunday Closed"
Agent Name Anvesha Mutha