India,West Bengal 651 $

1 year ago 23 hits ID #106453



Digital marketing involves the promotion of products and services through a variety of digital channels, using the internet and mobile technology. Push and pull marketing techniques are applied, targeting consumers both directly and indirectly.

In the role of digital marketer, you'll be involved in developing an organization’s multi-channel communication strategies and may work across several areas, or specialize in a few, depending on the size and requirements of your employer...

social media marketing - developing a distinct online presence by attracting high numbers of internet followers through social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. search engine optimization (SEO) - developing strategies to increase the number of visitors to a website by achieving high-ranking placements in search results. mobile marketing - includes app-based, in-game, location-based and SMS marketing.


Price 651
Country India
Regions West Bengal
City Rajshahi
Pin / Zip 6420
Industry Legal
Job Type Permanent
Latitude Ahamed
Longitude Ahamed
Address Rajshahi City Bypass
Create Year 1
Create Time 5
Registration 545546566
Agent Name aarhgj
Seller Name njhgjn