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Leading Breast Tightening Treatment In Bangalore - Kosmoderma Skin Clinic

India,Karnataka $

2 days ago 5 hits ID #229636


Breast augmentation involves use of breast implants of fat grafting to increase the size of the breasts. An aesthetically inclined procedure, not many medical utilities of the same are known. Breast augmentation is also known as Augmentation Mammoplasty. If the procedure involves fat grafting, it is referred to as fat transfer breast augmentation. Breast implants may also be used for breast reconstruction after mastectomy or injury in addition to usual breast enlargement . However, it does not correct severely drooping breasts. A breast lift may be required along with a breast augmentation for sagging breasts to look fuller and lifted. Breast Augmentation Procedure Step One: Consultation: During your first visit you will be asked about your specific requirements regarding size and a thorough examination of your breasts would be done. In addition you will be asked about your medical history and any current medication that you are on. You will be given a demo by letting you try the implants by placing it under your undergarment. Step Two: Preoperative Evaluation: If you feel comfortable about having your breasts enlarged with implants or Breast Enlargement Surgery you can schedule a second appointment. Preoperational consent forms are filled and clinical pictures taken at this point of time. After this has been done, a suitable date can be fixed for the surgery. Step Three: Surgery: Before operating, the implant pocket will be marked on your breasts. Operation is done under general anesthesia and is pain free. Incisions are made in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. Incision options include: along the areolar edge (peri-areolar incision), the fold under the breast (inframammary fold) and in the armpit (axillary incision). Incisions vary based on the type of breast implant, degree of enlargement desired, your particular anatomy and patient-surgeon preference. The implants are then placed in the suitable pockets marked before and the incision is stitched. Step Four: Post Surgery: Eating and drinking is not allowed until 4 hours from the completion of the surgery. Bandaged or medical undergarments for support are provided by the clinic. Step Five: Recovery*: There will be slight swelling which will last for about one to three months. A normal lifestyle can however be resumed after a month from the surgery. Book your free consultation today and get the best Breast Augmentation Treatment at Kosmoderma Skin Clinic in Bangalore!


Country India
Regions Karnataka
City Bangalore
Pin / Zip 560025
Whatsapp No. 07676757575
Address 3rd Floor, Eva Mall, Kosmoderma Healthcare Pvt Ltd, 312-314, Brigade Rd, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560025
Agent Name Ronald Moore
Seller Name Kosmoderma Skin Clinic