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Magzter is a cross-platform, self-service, global digital

India,Karnataka 5 $

2 years ago 102 hits ID #104410


Magzter is a cross-platform, self-service, global digital
magazine newsstand with over 8,000 magazines from 3,400+
publishers.Magzter was founded in 2011. The Company
headquartered in NEW YORK. Magzter GOLD is an all-you-can-read
 model where users will get unlimited access to 5,000+ Magazines
 and Premium Articles for just Rs.3999 for a 3 year subscription
(Original Price Rs.11,997)

Paid Search and Advertising Guidelines

If you use paid search, you are required to add Magzter,
 Magzter.com and any of its derivatives and misspellings as
negative keywords across all of your paid search activities.
please visit here url:https://maazaonline.blogspot.com/


Price 5
Country India
Regions Karnataka
City bengalor
Pin / Zip 530068
Whatsapp No. 9371226258
Industry Advertising
Website https://maazaonline.blogspot.com/
Address pune maharastra
Create Year 2022
Create Time 5
Registration yes
Agent Name admitad
Seller Name pravin