Matta Rice buyer in India

India,Uttarpradesh Price : Check with seller

1 year ago 24 hits ID #104664


Matta Rice, a.k.a. Rose matta is an Indian peninsular indigenous variety of long grain non-basmati rice, more accurately cultivated in parts of Kerala state.Having all the health benefits of brown rice, Matta Rice is also the consistent choice for various south Indian and Sri Lankan food items for its unique taste.Matta Rice buyer in India

For More Information Contact Us Tradologie Pvt. Ltd
Contact Number - +91-8595957412, +91-120-4148741

Address - Green Boulevard, Plot No. B-9/A, 6th Floor, Tower B, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201309 (India)

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Price -1
Country India
Regions Uttarpradesh
City Noida
Pin / Zip 201309
Whatsapp No. 08595957412
Latitude Green Boulevard, Plot No. B-9/A, 6th Floor, Tower B, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201309
Address Tower-B, Green Boulevard Plot No. B-9/A 6th Floor,
Create Year 2015
Registration Uttar Pradesh
Agent Name Bilal
Seller Name Bilal