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NCERT Books for Class 8:Khan Global Studies

India,Uttarpradesh $

3 weeks ago 12 hits ID #223398


Here’s a list of NCERT books available for Class 8: 1. Mathematics: o Mathematics Textbook for Class 8 This book includes topics like Linear Equations, Geometry, Data Handling, and Practical Arithmetic, focusing on problem-solving and analytical skills. 2. Science: o Science Textbook for Class 8 Covering topics such as Force and Pressure, Microorganisms, and Reproduction in Animals, this book encourages experimentation and scientific thinking. 3. Social Science: o History – Our Pasts III o Geography – Resources and Development o Civics – Social and Political Life III These books provide insights into India’s history, geography, and political system, fostering an understanding of societal dynamics. 4. Languages: o Honeydew (English Literature) o It So Happened (English Supplementary Reader) o Hindi Vasant o Other regional language books based on the syllabus. 5. Sanskrit: o Ruchira Part III


Country India
Regions Uttarpradesh
City Noida
Pin / Zip 201309
Whatsapp No. 08757354880
Industry Education & Training
Address Khan Global Studies Pvt. Ltd. 5th Floor, A13A, Graphix 1 Tower B, Sector 62