Parkinson's disease treatment

India,Tamilnadu Price : Check with seller

1 year ago 15 hits ID #106141


Mrgfus RoyalCare is treatment for Parkinson's disease, Best Neuroscience department in Coimbatore. Non- surgical treatment for Parkinson disease technique allows for incision-less Coimbatore.MR-guided focused ultrasound for Parkinson’s is an approved treatment for patients with Parkinson’s disease whose main symptom is tremor.Hand tremor can be effectively treated using MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound. The most common cause of shaky hands is parkinson tremor. Tremor in Parkinson's is caused by reduced levels of dopamine as a result of the loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain. Essential tremor is a neurological disorder that causes involuntary and rhythmic shaking.


Price -1
Country India
Regions Tamilnadu
City coimbatore
Pin / Zip 641062
Latitude No 1/520, L&T Road, Neelambur,
Longitude 76.999368
Address No 1/520, L&T Road, Neelambur,
Create Year 2000
Create Time 12.00
Registration tamilnadu
Agent Name royalcare
Seller Name mrgfusroyalcare