Procurement and Contract Management Online Courses

Canada,Ontario 4400 $

1 year ago 71 hits ID #103463


Do you want to gain industry-required knowledge and skills in the field of procurement? What about professional insights on contract management, helping you become an efficient business personnel? You can stop looking through all those procurement and contract management online courses because this 60 ECTS Master in Procurement and Contract Management program from UniAthena is the one you deserve. Masters Certification from Guglielmo Marconi University (GMU), Italy, CIQ Diploma (optional), completely Online learning, Flexible Learning schedule, Personal Tutor, and much more. Widen your knowledge and perspective about making the best and right decisions for your organization or for yourself. Register now for a free 7-day trial! 
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 For more information : Phone no : +44 7447 134314


Price 4400
Country Canada
Regions Ontario
City Ontario
Pin / Zip 91710
Whatsapp No. 01865 784299
Address Athena Global Education Magdalen Centre, Robert Robinson Avenue, Oxford, OX4 4GA, UK
Create Year 2019