Some key points you must know before giving ACCA SBL exam


1 year ago 25 hits ID #118465


Few points every student should know before giving the ACCA SBL exam: Examiners do not expect rote learning and hence just writing the theory will not help. The student should not just mention the theoretical concepts. Application of your knowledge to the case given in the question is the super important thing elating the knowledge of syllabus areas to the issues in the case study and then answering the exact requirement of the question is the game-changer etc. FinTram Global offers detailed industry-oriented Sessions on SBL Syllabus Areas. In addition to that, we also provide Revision Boot Camp where the faculty covers all the Professional Skills and their practical application to Exam Questions. We have also solved various concepts, comprehensive, Exam standards and past examination questions, giving our students various tips and tricks needed to clear this Exam.

