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Sugar Bite Natura Sweet Drops Stevia 200 Drops Price Rs 108

India,Punjab $

1 month ago 6 hits ID #216008


Nature's zero calorie sustainable sweetener Sugar Bite Natura Drops provides sweetness with zero calories & is highly beneficial for diabetics as it helps in lowering the blood sugar levels by promoting more insulin production by natural pancreatic secretion process. Sugar Bite Natura Drops is a gum friendly zero calorie sweetener that inhibit the growth of oral bacteria to reduce cavity & gum diseases. The total consumption of stevia in a day should be equal to or less than 4 mg/kg body weight expressed as steviol equivalents i.e. for a person of 60 kg it is 240 mg/day. Each drop of Sugar Bite Natura contains ___ mg of Stevia.


Country India
Regions Punjab
City ludhiana
Pin / Zip 141116
Whatsapp No. 09875964473
Address dugri dhandra road
Seller Name leefordonline